Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

I think I just saw an AWACS flying over. It wasn't that high, I clearly saw that round thing and the pointy wings. May have been something like this.


or this

Who'd have thought replacing an aircraft battery could be so much trouble?

We recently switched from one workshop to another for one of our C172s, after the first workshop had messed up some formalities, causing that aircraft to be grounded for weeks with invalid paperwork.

On the first 100h service at the new workshop, they found that the 24V battery installed by the previous workshop as late as September 2020 was not according to the certified parts list. Hence they replaced the battery, and we took the old battery back hoping to get a refund from the first workshop.

Now, the first workshop claims that no, this battery is certified for our aircraft and the second workshop is wrong. Another guy at the club has taken on the task of arguing with both workshops, but I've been reading up a bit myself. And the chaos seems to be complete as the website of the battery vendor has several sources of information:
- You can search by battery, for each you have a list of aircraft types it qualifies for. According to these, the second workshop is right.
- There's also an "Aircraft eligibility list" where it seems both batteries are acceptable for the 172S. BUT it seems to appear twice, and in the latest reply from the 2nd workshop they make a point out of one certification being valid only within the US (certified by the FAA only) whereas the other is valid for US nd Europe (also certified by EASA).

I have a feeling the discussion between the two workshops isn't going to end here.
There's a rumour on the internet that the Chinese title of "The Sixth Sense" is "He's a Ghost". I decided to fact-check and ran the Chinese Wiki article on the film through Google translate, and there's no indication of that there.
What scares me though is that the title of the "reception" section translates to "repercussions" through Google.
Supposing the Maiden gig in Arnhem will take place on 27 June 2022 and supposing I will go if it does, it will have been almost four full years in between Maiden gigs for me. Last time I saw them was in Plovdiv, 22 July 2018.
Supposing the Maiden gig in Arnhem will take place on 27 June 2022 and supposing I will go if it does, it will have been almost four full years in between Maiden gigs for me. Last time I saw them was in Plovdiv, 22 July 2018.

2 August 2018 to 13 June 2022 for me, both in Belfast.

That will be the longest break I guess for me, previous record I suppose was Jan 1996 to Sept 1999