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the delicacy makrell i tomat will get me going.


I love me some fish delicacies.
I'm quitting Coke (as in Coca-Cola). I think I just finished my last can for a long while. Gonna try to drink a lot more water instead, and see if I really need caffeine in the AM.
I'm quitting Coke (as in Coca-Cola). I think I just finished my last can for a long while. Gonna try to drink a lot more water instead, and see if I really need caffeine in the AM.
But you're staying on the white stuff though?

I've cut back substantially on my sugary drinks intake since summer, mainly to protect my teeth. When I go a prolonged time without Pepsi, Coke etc. I realize I don't miss those sorts of drinks as much as I thought I would. It's mostly the texture I miss instead of the sugar and caffeine.
But you're staying on the white stuff though?
Well obviously. Gotta have some vice.

I've cut back substantially on my sugary drinks intake since summer, mainly to protect my teeth.
That's one of the reasons I switched to diet, but now I just think it's better if I get rid of it all. Other than when I'm having a rum and Coke, that's different.
Never really drank Coke. Didn't used to like it as a kid because it made my nose go all fizzy, then as a teenager it gave me acne.
Oatmeal, Shitabix...classified as edibles and not food. No, thanks. You can actually get used to suppressing that hunger feeling for a few minutes and stick to a proper breakfast such as something strong and fat if you work physically or something light as simple sandwich if you don't.

I'm never hungry in the morning when I wake up. Frankly I never conditioned my metabolic activity in such a way. It never asks for anything, fiber or otherwise. Like to sip a glass of juice to wake me up fully, just eat a bite off anything like sandwich or pastry so the first coffee doesn't land in an empty stomach. Then we can commence with the other end of the metabolic activity :D In any case folks I strongly believe that eating in between proper meals is not good for you.
Something that has an array of nutrients. Scrambled eggs with onions and bacon plus side bread. Lighter variant in standard two slice sandwich like a drop of mayo, piece of a smoked pork neck and a piece of tomato on top. The function of bread in these meals is to keep you full so you can go with conservative quantities of real stuff, because as you say going full lunch price for the breakfast isn't accessible.

However. If you can only get shit bread, overly processed meat and tasteless juiceless vegetables inside the budget, that's another issue. Also if you prefer quantities. For instance in the States you get a lot of food be it packaged or served, we can discuss the quality of it but the quantity for the buck is top.
New boss wants me to use Outlook instead of Thunderbird, because Outlook is "serious" and Thunderbird is "free". But Thunderbird is more customizable, has tags for e-mails which are super important for me, and just overall looks way nicer. Outlook is shite.

I also can't install programs by myself on this new laptop because he won't give me the admin password and when I asked for three programs for him to install for me, he was like "you can use <this one> instead". But I'll bother him until he gives in, because I've been there longer than him and I want to make my work easier instead of harder.

Thinking of just using portable Thunderbird from a USB drive, provided he doesn't look at my screen too often.
Jesus f Christ. I'd probably hit that guy in the face. On what grounds does he claim that bullshit?