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I don't get a choice, but that's fine. I don't mind Outlook and the calendar integration piece is key in my day. If all you're using it for is email, who gives a fuck?
It's because I have a ton of e-mails every day that are identical but the links in them aren't, and they are not discernible unless I use the "tag" option in Thunderbird, which Outlook doesn't have. I dunno how to remedy that. Also it's ugly af.
I don't get a choice, but that's fine. I don't mind Outlook and the calendar integration piece is key in my day. If all you're using it for is email, who gives a fuck?

Outlooks archiving and indexing is questionable. When I was a sys eng in a telco I had to monitor a lot of things and tagged mail alerts plus hundreds of daily mails were the thing - Thunderbird performed flawlessly with that. Outlook also performs stuff aside the standard RFCs which is mostly visible in the wrong way it handles replies in discussion and the prevalence of HTML email which is basically a big security threat. By default, it will happily interject into normal plaintext email discussion and replace MIME type from text to HTML in the headers.

Anyways if you want full Exchange integration, Evolution is there and works out of the box, calendars, appointments, directory, etc.

P.S. when I chose to operate FreeBSD on a company laptop back in 2008 I had issues and bugs in Exchange integration. 11 years have passed on. The exchange connectors on open source software are stable now. And by the way, so is Thunderbird. Mozilla Project is kind of split on it because it requires no R&D anymore, it has no open security issues, it supports everything that standard e-mail as specified by RFC does. Therefore it isn't really marketable and easy for PR because you can't implement features and push numbers aggressively such as "get Firefox 52" etc.
Computer nerds: Why does my laptop fan sound like it's about to take off when I've only got this one tab open? It wasn't too long ago I cleaned all the dust out of it.