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No weetabix for me today as I left my fake milk at home. Sad!
Bricks of delicious, nutritious sawdust. Oatmeal looks like vomit.
Oatmeal looks like glop, but it depends on the kind you use. Right now, mine is basically an oatmeal / cereal hybrid and it’s great. At any rate, taste is more important than looks.
Probably a stupid question... But is it possible to see which websites I visit on my phone when I'm connected to company WiFi?

I don't want them to see my MaidenFans posts, better to cover my tracks.
But is it possible to see which websites I visit on my phone when I'm connected to company WiFi?
In short: yes.

In long: depends on what kind of security they have and what they're looking for. But unless you're using a VPN that disguises all your traffic, they'll be able to see where the packets are going. Even if you have a VPN, they might be able to figure it out.
Just to make sure I'm understanding the cereal discussion here:

Oatmeal is what you get when you cook the oats with water (milk added or not, according to preference), right?

If so, I must say that I prefer a cereal mix with just some milk poured over. But what I really do prefer is a breakfast of wholegrain bread with various stuff on it. Two-three slices of bread with cheese, ham, jam, (but not spam), boiled egg or the delicacy makrell i tomat will get me going.

