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Not to trivialise the main point of your post but I first came across Sabaton when i went to see Maiden at Sonisphere '09 (I think), they were brilliant, going to see them with Alestorm this year :shred:

Also achieved a life goal at that festival, saw Terrorvision live. Discotheque Wreck, indeed.
That's so great that you discovered Sabaton that way! They're an amazing band who is much loved by quite a few members on here.
Passed the politics of religion exam :edmetal::shred::rocker::nana:

To make things even better:
Just got a friend request on FB from a "student representative" from my uni. I never talked to the guy but I see him often in classes and halls etc. I don't usually add people whom I've never spoken to irl (Maidenfans excluded :D), but I decided to check his timeline instead of rejecting him outright. And yep: hates the religion classes because he also hates islam. Condemns the gay parade and says they are all sick, then repeats his bigoted opinions in the comments to respond to a fellow gay student. Just makes me really depressed that such a vile little bigot gets elected into student parliament... Anyway I blocked him.
This guy came after me and didn't pass :D

Also waiting for results of another exam (international relations), I'm pretty sure I'm passing that one too. Now 3 weeks of rest until the next exam :nana:

Just checked his FB to see if he had another outburst, but there's nothing yet. However, there's a post from yesterday that says "Hope God gives me a 6 tomorrow!" (minimum passing grade) :D

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That would've been my field as well if I hadn't gone for translation studies.
I almost chose something in that area (English or Spanish to Serbian), but decided against it because it's hard to find a job with that diploma here.
Another option was teaching (elementary school) but decided against that too because you can't really progress much and there's not much money in it :P
Ultimately went with the third option which was organizational sciences / management, but gave up after about 3 semesters because it was too hard.
Then went to political sciences which I really should've done in the first place :facepalm:
English to Turkish and vice versa, yeah.

I think you're not aware of its existence in your country, because there are a lot of schools in Canada with translation and interpretation departments.

University of Ottawa
University of Montreal
York University
University of British Columbia
I guess I should say that it's not a thing the average person thinks of here.
Playing EU IV. I just conquered the area today known as Iraq from the Mamluks. I immediately had a Shiite rebellion in Baghdad, followed by an uprising of Iraqi Sunni Nationalists. I'm watching them kill each other before I send in my troops to restore order.

It's kinda like real life.