Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

My reasoning is as follows:
- Cried has seen that China setlist
- Cried posts in the spoiler within tour thread
- Zare posts in the spoiler within tour thread, so I assume (I may be wrong) that he knows that China setlist as well.
- Cried says a certain song will definitely not be played in a thread (you know which one) and
- he "wonders" about which songs will be played live in "What are your 5 Favorite Songs from Book of Souls?". Zare answers.

Both are either serious, so that means that they take that setlist into account, either they fool around (or one of them). But how can I know for sure what they do? I can't imagine people play a game all the time, thus they take that setlist into account. After all, it can really be the foundation for the whole tour. I am rather pedantic about that, than being spoiled.

I realize that it is very difficult to moderate such talk right now, since the tour has not started, and "the" setlist is not definite.

And I also realize that Cried does not understand my concern, or he's just having fun with it.

The only thing that's left is: ignore several topics, or (and I'd be sad to do that) ignore certain people.
Despite your concerns, nobody has posted any open spoilers outside of the tour thread; the tour thread has now been split as is the custom. Future errors will lead to bans.

Feel free to add any users you wish to your personal ignore options.
One more thing, because I honestly think this is not made clear enough:

If people, who have seen that setlist, openly wonder if certain songs will be in the set, that means that they are not that setlist. That's a spoiler, since that setlist could be very representative for the tour, especially when we're talking about new songs.
Feel free to add any users you wish to your personal ignore options.
I am certainly considering this.
If people, who have seen that setlist, openly wonder if certain songs will be in the set, that means that they are not that setlist. That's a spoiler, since that setlist could be very representative for the tour, especially when we're talking about new songs.
Haha, I certainly know what you're feeling. I'm spoiler-sensitive too, just not in case of the setlist :P It's so frustrating when some people think only a direct spoiler is a spoiler. Sadly, there's no way around it on the Internet. The only safe option is to stay away.
It's quite amazing how the price of gas has come down here. We thought it would go over $4/gallon where we are. I'm pretty sure it did in some parts of the country.
For the next hour: the phone is off, lamps are unplugged, internet is shut down, and if you speak at any time other than a commercial break I literally might stab you.

Thank you, X-Files. Feels like it's 1997 all over again.
It's quite amazing how the price of gas has come down here.
Thanks, Obama, amirite?

Edit: And yes, bearfan, I am aware that the President really has nothing to do with the economy (although Obama lifting Iranian sanctions has had a percent of the impact on the oil price, allowing them to add more), especially the price of oil. But you know.

I've heard people saying it'll get to $1.00 before the year's over.
There doesn't seem to be a bottom number.
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Ok, then I AM a freaking pedantic...
Who was suggesting otherwise? :p
... but I am one who understands what people think, do and say.
I also have great insight into the minds of others... :innocent:
Since several people, who have seen that fucking genuine China setlist, keep talking about which songs will be played or not in about every fucking topic I open, I consider, any of such talk as spoiler talk, damn it.
I think it's happened, like, twice. I think you're exagerating.
My pedantic advice is:

Everybody stay out most if not all Maiden related threads, until you have seen the concert.

End of story, do as you wish.
And this thread. Also, I have your gmail! :lol:
- Cried has seen that China setlist
You don't ken that for sure...
- Cried posts in the spoiler within tour thread
I'm sensing a pattern developing here...
- Cried says a certain song will definitely not be played in a thread
I did not say it defintely wouldn't be played. That language didn't issue forth from Cried.
... he "wonders" about which songs will be played live in "What are your 5 Favorite Songs from Book of Souls?"
I hold my hands up. Guilty. I did wonder.
Zare answers.
I haven't read this yet. I was in Glasgow.
Both are either serious, so that means that they take that setlist into account, either they fool around (or one of them).
I'm always deadly serious. Although, I assume you're no longer talking about me...
But how can I know for sure what they do? I can't imagine people play a game all the time, thus they take that setlist into account.
It's confusing, isn't it? I usually don't know whether I'm kidding or not either, sometimes e.g. Peter Jackson.
After all, it can really be the foundation for the whole tour. I am rather pedantic about that, than being spoiled.
I appreciate that. Stop calling yourself pedantic.
And I also realize that Cried does not understand my concern, or he's just having fun with it.
My money's on the latter of those two...
The only thing that's left is: ignore several topics, or (and I'd be sad to do that) ignore certain people.
I love out chat too much, Foro. Don't ignore me. I'll be good from now on. Promise!

Got to go now; some pedant has PM'd me... ;)
@Black Wizard @Perun ... and other students and academics at different stages of your academic career:

Speaking of college, gave my first presentation today. It ended up being 25 minutes. Checked online and I made a 95/100. Not a bad day!

EDIT: Whenever I sit down to write a paper I always find myself in this thread.