Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

A paranoid right-wing conspiracy talk host promotes an album by a right-wing conspiracy musician. Sounds right.
^. I wouldn't like to consume anything Bill O'Reilly endorses.

Regarding vegetarian diet and health;

Nutrition and Health – The Association between Eating Behavior and Various Health Parameters: A Matched Sample Study
Institute of Social Medicine and Epidemiology, Medical University Graz, Graz, Austria


Our study has shown that Austrian adults who consume a vegetarian diet are less healthy (in terms of cancer, allergies, and mental health disorders), have a lower quality of life, and also require more medical treatment. Therefore, a continued strong public health program for Austria is required in order to reduce the health risk due to nutritional factors. Moreover, our results emphasize the necessity of further studies in Austria, for a more in-depth analysis of the health effects of different dietary habits.

This is also a good watch if you're interested in the topic.

I'm having problems with the forum (among others). For example, it's stuck like this when I try to like someone's post (the thing circled in red):


Same goes for when I try to see results of a poll before I vote, or when I try to insert a pic into a post. However, it only happens in Google Chrome's regular mode, but not in Opera or Chrome's incognito mode. I also have similar problems with other websites, basically with most pop-up windows. Anyone have any idea what the problem could be? It's super annoying.
I'm having problems with the forum (among others). For example, it's stuck like this when I try to like someone's post (the thing circled in red):


Same goes for when I try to see results of a poll before I vote, or when I try to insert a pic into a post. However, it only happens in Google Chrome's regular mode, but not in Opera or Chrome's incognito mode. I also have similar problems with other websites, basically with most pop-up windows. Anyone have any idea what the problem could be? It's super annoying.
Figured it out, AS Magic Player (extension for AceStream) is doing this for some reason O.o