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I almost chose something in that area (English or Spanish to Serbian), but decided against it because it's hard to find a job with that diploma here.

We're at a cross in the same issue then, because I chose to go after translation studies over political sciences for the exact same reason: Job security. I'm more interested in political sciences but I knew I could get into a highly respected department if I went for translation -which I have- and that I was skilled at it.

It's still a tricky field because there are a lot of people who study other subjects but are capable in a language and they do translation jobs for their companies. Even worse, there are non-translators who speak the two languages and settle for less payment than an actual translator, derailing the market for us. But if you're skilled enough, there always are people looking for the most professionally translated text as possible.
I just got home from work, picked myself up some nice beer, and I'm getting ready to watch the Australian Open final. With a little bit of Nintendo 3DS mixed in; Life is pretty good right now.
Nah. It's dad's (soon to be ex) 2nd wife. Always doing stupid reckless shit that impacts my life in a bad way. Don't wanna go into details what happened now, but we had so many arguments when I was a kid that I can't stand to be in the same room with her anymore. Even as an adult now, I pretty much get sick whenever I see her <_< She has a dementor-like effect on me.