Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

Thanks. Well that means that what Flash says is incorrect.

What I said is correct in the grand sense, but there's probably a nuance involved that I'm not aware of. I'm gonna guess that there's a post count involved.

Just tested it out on the Tour thread to be sure. I hadn't posted in it prior and it wasn't a Watched Thread. Became one after I posted.
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Foro, how can you not know how the forum works with 21,000+ posts? :p
Everybody stay out of the tour thread. What is speculation to some, might be real for others. A setlist for the China concert has surfaced, and talk about it is not always that carefully...
Dumb talk I think it's called...
Can that be done literally, with some kind of forum function?
When I post on a thread, I start receiving alerts whenever somebody posts there. I think that's how it works by default. By unwatching it (the way Flash explained), I don't receive notifications for the thread and I'm more likely to keep out of it. You probably have disabled some notification functions.
When I post on a thread, I start receiving alerts whenever somebody posts there. I think that's how it works by default.
Okay, if that's default then I have disabled that aeons ago.
Foro, how can you not know how the forum works with 21,000+ posts? :p
This is a bit of a new situation I think. But indeed, people who are not careful have been hear since the beginning. In 2008 someone mentioned a song in a topic!!
Couldn't find that topic, but you can read the aftermath here: http://forum.maidenfans.com/threads/gar.16303/
I was listening to 1916 and realized there is only one remaining musician that played on that album. Sad stuff.

EDIT: a word.
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Almost have enough saved up for gas for the trip I'm making to Florida in February. Hotels are booked as well, it should be fun.
Ok, then I AM a freaking pedantic but I am one who understands what people think, do and say. Since several people, who have seen that fucking genuine China setlist, keep talking about which songs will be played or not in about every fucking topic I open, I consider, any of such talk as spoiler talk, damn it.

My pedantic advice is:

Everybody stay out most if not all Maiden related threads, until you have seen the concert.

What is speculation to some, might be real for others. A setlist for the China concert has surfaced, and talk about it is not always that carefully. The list looks to be genuine at least for China, since it appears on an official government website.

The set can still change (for the rest of the tour), but it sure looks like this material is going be used for band rehearsals. Big chance a large portion of it, if not all, will we be played in your concert venue.

End of story, do as you wish.
Forostar, you are over-reacting. One person made one comment that was clearly not meant to be an endorsement in either way of the possible China setlist (which may or may not be genuine, and may or may not be representative of any tour dates outside of China even if it is genuine). It is factually wrong to say they are talking about such things in other topics, since I read every single fucking post on this forum.

If you believe that I have missed something, draw my attention to it immediately.

However, if people make a spoiler post, then please let us know ASAP. Send a message to whatever moderator is online. Hell, email me personally, and I will pop on immediately and take care of it, and ban the person responsible. That's right, ban. No ands, ifs, or buts. Gone until the end of the tour.

The Tour reminder thread has been updated to this effect.