Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

What you're saying is that if I see a word that I find offensive on a YouTube comment not directed at me, that I shouldn't find it offensive.

If it's not an actual offense like discrimination, violent speech etc. then yes. At that point offense becomes universal.

Calling yourself a Nigger Faggot is not attacking anyone. It's an attempt to get attention or a failed attempt at being funny, using words used in discriminative advances. Discrimination is an offense, using the words for a different purpose isn't. If that guy called a black person a nigger, or a gay man a faggot, that's offensive. He didn't call anybody anything.
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AKA trolling 101.

Exactly. Putting so much discomforting value in a simple word is acting servant to the trolls.

Being offended by that is falling for the trap of the trolls. That's what they want from you. If you don't want it, ignore it. Don't give them attention.
I'm not talking about the fact that YouTube won't ban the guy. I suspect that at some point, they will figure it out and ban the username, because it is offensive.

I'm saying that both of those words, used for any reason (except as verbatim quotes in, say, a news story, or in appropriate context in a work of fiction or art meant to convey their use), are in and of themselves offensive to the vast majority of readers. Yes, the person is a troll. But clicking on the report button isn't attempting to interact with the person. It's entirely passive, wastes zero of my time, and doesn't give them the personal feeling of engagement and power that trolls seek. It's actually the other way around - we take a non-direct method of intervention.

Now, if I was writing huge posts on YouTube to argue against the guy's username, then I am feeding a troll, but reporting something clearly isn't troll-feeding. I guess my thought is that I'm not personally offended or affected by the guy's name, but imagine if you were a black gay fellow who had recently suffered some form of racist or homophobic discrimination? That's gonna make that person react and feel. Should we tell that fellow that their reaction is inappropriate because it's feeding a troll?

I'm sorry, I just don't get the mindset that it's my job to not be offended by someone's words, rather than the speaker's job to be aware of what their words actually mean in the context of our times.
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You keep going on and on about "recognizing the offense you might cause" while my entire premise is that there's no offense in the first place, LC. The more you keep going on, the more I realize this is pointless. Sorry for thinking outside the box.
That's no comedy, Srogyy, it's offensive and discriminative towards black gay men because it uses those words thus it should be banned.

That video featuring Donald Glover (it's the guy who's the "game host"), by the way, is probably what that YouTube user was referencing in his user name. There's an Urban Dictionary page for Niggerfaggot as well. So he probably wasn't even trolling or asking for attention, let alone trying to cause offense.

This is that guy's second channel. Full of internet memes. This is a video he uploaded.

What a racist, homophobic piece of shit, obviously trying to hurt people's feelings.

...Or, just some guy making fun of uptight people who are offended about everything.
It's not really original thinking.

I don't care about being original. So be it.

The origin of the usage is absolutely awful. They called them that because they would accuse them of being heretics and burn them. Fucking terrible.

I think I first heard that was the origin of the slur when I was watching the TV show Louie a couple of years ago. It's way harsher than any word we have in Turkish that's used for discriminating homosexuals or people of different sexual orientations than heterosexuality.
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" "male homosexual," 1914, American English slang, probably from earlier contemptuous term for "woman" (1590s), especially an old and unpleasant one, in reference to faggot (n.1) "bundle of sticks," as something awkward that has to be carried (compare baggage "worthless woman," 1590s)."

Whatever these people were smoking, I want some too...