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Saw on Wednesday, loved it, seeing it again today.

Yes, although I thought the spoiler paranoia went overboard with this one. I wouldn't have minded knowing a few plot details, or being told a few things to look forward to, but everything went all or nothing on this one - either people discuss the plot in every detail, which I didn't want to read yet, or they told you absolutely nothing. Is this really necessary for a movie? I wonder how much or what exactly "spoilers" really spoil. The movie isn't just about the plot, in the end.

I'm very glad that so many people were completely hushed about this movie. I went in basically blind and couldn't be happier for it. There are some pretty big things that I'm happy to have experienced without prior knowledge.

I expect an awesome look and feel, but I am really curious about the challenge of combining iconic, old characters with new ones, in a believable manner.
I also wonder how much copy-paste of classic Star Wars we'll see. In other words: how unoriginal can it be without being annoyed about it.

The introduction of new characters is handled exceptionally well. I was shocked at how much I liked/related to the new characters.

As for unoriginality, I'd be lying if I said it didn't bother me a little. There is a fair share of copy-paste, but honestly, it's worth it for the ride and for the familiarity of classic Star Wars. I do hope that they take some bigger strides in the next two movies, though. This one is all about proving that it can still be something new while being something familiar.
I have to prepare a presentation for tomorrow... at 7:30 AM :confused: Not even gonna bother trying to sleep tonight. It's for a subject called "International relations", and I'm supposed to write about Cuba.
Professor is really busy and we can only do the presentations early in the morning.

I picked Cuba because each presentation has to have a part about the relations of the chosen country with USA and they have had a pretty tumultuous relationship with lots of juicy stuff I can write about :P
Really? I thought Cuba and the US always had a smooth, uneventful relationship with each other. I didn't bother to check if Batista is still in office, though.
Some of the flooding looks pretty bad & Brigs doesn't seem to have been on here for a few days; don't think she's posted since Christmas Eve. I wonder if (I hope not) she has been affected by the flooding...
I saw her comment something on FB yesterday night, so (at least up until then) I think she's not been affected. Hopefully.