Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

Gah, I fucking hate coming up with a lot of good arguments to support a point, only to find out in the end the person I'm having the discussion with isn't even paying attention to them. What an utter waste of time.
Well, my parents gave me cool stuff for Christmas, a neat t-shirt, some spending American money for Vegas (given the exchange rate, no small feat). Dad made me five frozen dishes full of enchiladas, which is awesome (seriously, he makes amazing enchiladas).
I always get Reeces peanut butter cups which I love the most. Plus, I got some very comfy lounge pants and a Mario mushroom bank with a pair of Mario mushroom boxers in it.
I always get Reeces peanut butter cups which I love the most.
And this year, did you get this peanut foodstuff you speak of?
Plus, I got some very comfy lounge pants...
Lounge pants? You know what this conjures up in the mind, this side of the Atlantic?
... and a Mario mushroom bank with a pair of Mario mushroom boxers in it.
I don't really understand what you're talking about. A mushroom bank with pants in it?

Have you been smoking mushrooms again?
Have you managed to avoid spoilers? :p

Yes, although I thought the spoiler paranoia went overboard with this one. I wouldn't have minded knowing a few plot details, or being told a few things to look forward to, but everything went all or nothing on this one - either people discuss the plot in every detail, which I didn't want to read yet, or they told you absolutely nothing. Is this really necessary for a movie? I wonder how much or what exactly "spoilers" really spoil. The movie isn't just about the plot, in the end.
I expect an awesome look and feel, but I am really curious about the challenge of combining iconic, old characters with new ones, in a believable manner.
I also wonder how much copy-paste of classic Star Wars we'll see. In other words: how unoriginal can it be without being annoyed about it.

Last week I watched A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi to get a bit more into it again.