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Anyone that knows how to make the text look like this in Power Point?


Basically I just want to be able to choose the border color and the inside color of the letters.
And this year, did you get this peanut foodstuff you speak of?

Lounge pants? You know what this conjures up in the mind, this side of the Atlantic?

I don't really understand what you're talking about. A mushroom bank with pants in it?

Have you been smoking mushrooms again?
Lounge pants:


See where the hole is in the top green mushroom? The boxer shorts were stuffed in there.
@Brigantium how's the flooding?

Wet. I missed most of it, actually. I was away in the North East. But at one point, all of the roads around the town where I live were cut off, either by the river or by rainwater gushing downhill. Leeds looks terrible, though. The River Aire and the canal go right through the middle, but a retail park and one of the main roads was in quite deep water.

Serbian Christmas is on January 7th. (And even then, I had exams on January 8th a couple of times.)

Brilliant. We will celebrate Serbian Christmas.:cheers:
Wet. I missed most of it, actually. I was away in the North East. But at one point, all of the roads around the town where I live were cut off, either by the river or by rainwater gushing downhill. Leeds looks terrible, though. The River Aire and the canal go right through the middle, but a retail park and one of the main roads was in quite deep water.
I'm getting the train back to Reading on Thursday and there's more heavy rain forecast for Wednesday. I have tickets booked to go via Glasgow but I'm wondering if I'll have to go via Edinburgh and Newcastle instead.
York is a bit submerged, too. Seriously, I think a lot of the water will be gone by then, it's more the local lines that have the problem.

I was near Reading the other weekend, btw.