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That's awesome, there's a lot of great games coming up. I love watching Michigan State play.
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Yeah. It was post-summer here days ago. Now it's chilling, about 5(c). There's this big tree just next to the place where I had my coffee this morning, we were commenting that several small branches still had green leaves on them. The guy that works there told us the tree was all green a week ago.

It's no secret that climate is changing fast, worldwide. Here, springs and autumns are half as short as they used to be. If you count 'summer' as period where you can walk short clothes throughout the day and sea is of 'swimming temperature', that's easily 5 months now. Also, only allergy that I have is to spring blooming, e.g. stuff that trees and plants spread. When I was younger I would get all fucked up in the morning, nose full of shit and warm water application required to open my eyelids. Anyway, reaction got better, but now it's coming in early February, not early April. Figure out.
LC just wants to win the pissing contest, Black Wizard. He had the same reaction when Denver got 8 inches of snow a couple of weeks ago. Apparently, nothing is remarkable unless it's remarkable to him.