Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

Aye, did that earlier. In regard to tomorrow: up until dinner time (after 5 o'clock) I'll actually be be totally on my own; so most of Christmas Day, which is kinda odd. You all be thinking of poor Cried; he'll probably be spamming this thread, with nothing better to do. Sad face.
Grave Digger over your heart???

Nice work, but come on, Grave Digger????
Hey, the Clans Will March Again. Grave Digger is a band for me that really opened the floodgates (as far as power metal goes). They led me to a lot of great bands, and not just German PM bands. I'm very thankful they played a part in expanding my taste in heavy metal. I still think the Middle Ages trilogy is a very consistent string of albums. Other than that, I think they play very good power metal, with a heavy focus on riffs.

EDIT: The pic's aren't that great, but the band opposite Grave Digger is Pentagram. They're a Maryland based traditional doom metal band. Their first album, Pentagram (Relentless), is a doom metal masterpiece. Their other albums (Day of Reckoning and Review Your Choices in particular) are also very good pieces of doom metal.
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