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Happy Monday everyone!
@The Flash - do you eat turkey in Turkey?

We do, not exactly popular though. We do take great offense in the word though, ignoring the fact that the name of the bird comes from the country and not the other way around.

Meanwhile I lost my transportation card, probably dropped it somewhere at the campus. It had 20 liras on it, gone just like that. FML
People are good at that in your corner of Europe, taking great offense :p


Don't you think am a saviour?
Don't you think I could save ya?
Don't you think I could save your life?

Repeat ad nauseam.
Most horror movies are funny, whether intentionally or not; for that reason they can be pretty fun to watch. From a literary genre perspective they are miles away from what I want to see portrayed on screen though i.e. they aren't horrific or frightening in any real sense.
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I don't know, some horror movies are very enjoyable. I like some of the classic slasher films too, like the original Friday the 13th and the original Scream.
Old-school low-budget creepy-yet-ridiculous horror is the best. Take Evil Dead for example. What sucks is the new Hollywood stuff that tries to take itself seriously but turns out awful.
Slashers can be cool. Friday the 13th is a fun movie to watch, as is the first Texas Chainsaw Massacre.
I guess I generally enjoy pearls from all kinds of horror: from Dawn of the Dead to Silence of the Lambs.
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