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I really enjoy horror movies, mainly the old ones like Horror Hotel, The Omen (scared the crap out of me when watched for the first time, the soundtrack alone give me chills and it really helps to create that creepy atmosphere the film has), Rosemary's Baby (amazing psychological horror film), The Shining (although the book is miles away better) and many others. Current horror films doesn't really impress me, but I must say that, with exception of the Penny Dreadful TV series, it's been quite some time that I don't watch horror films, so I don't know if the newer ones are good.

The Omen, great idea. I think I'll watch that one today. I can't even remember much of it. The soundtrack is indeed glorious! Rosemary's Baby and The Shining are also two of my faves.

I'm not sure @Forostar would like discussions of particularly the more colorful, campy and "gory" 80's, 90's and recent horror movies in his classic cinema thread, I don't think that was his intent with that thread?
No harm in having a separate horror film thread if you want to start one. There are loads of horror films I wouldn't necessarily class as classic cinema.
I'm not sure @Forostar would like discussions of particularly the more colorful, campy and "gory" 80's, 90's and recent horror movies in his classic cinema thread, I don't think that was his intent with that thread?
Foro opened the thread nearly ten years ago, so no idea what all has been discussed on or off topic. All I know, from reading the first post, is that it seemed pretty open in terms of its breadth of discussion. After the bit about old cinema he goes on to ask "What are your favourite films" etc. No mention that these have to be "classic" or "old" or that such-&-such can't be discussed. I recommend continuing the discussion there. Half the stuff probably qualifies as "classic" now anyway e.g. Hammer films, Kubrick, etc.
If @Forostar is fine with it I'm all for continuing the discussion there. Hammer films, Kubrick is indeed classic stuff - I was more thinking about Zombie flicks, slasher flicks, campy Werewolf movies etc etc :D
Microsoft reveals first 104 Xbox One backwards compatible games

WTF? microsuck is doing the same shit they did with the Xbox360 and I don't think that system ever got to every original Xbox game out there. They just stopped updating that some time back. Why the hell don't they make their systems completely backwards compatible in the damn hardware to play every game right out of the box?
Because then they'd need to have three different pieces of architecture in the box. The high failure rate of the original PS3s was because it had a PS3 and a PS2 inside it.
If @Forostar is fine with it I'm all for continuing the discussion there. Hammer films, Kubrick is indeed classic stuff - I was more thinking about Zombie flicks, slasher flicks, campy Werewolf movies etc etc :D
No prob to take a step towards newer stuff, every now and then. It fits well to what we want to do at the moment (discussing horror).