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What if the protester's hadn't torn down the slogans?
If the slogans would stay, then racism would have been tolerated. This depends on the law against racism/discrimination/hatespeech a country is using. And that law depends on the people who are making/accepting/supporting/tolerating it.
Sweden prohibits hate speech, and defines it as publicly making statements that threaten or express disrespect for an ethnic group or similar group regarding their race, skin colour, national or ethnic origin, faith or sexual orientation. The crime does not prohibit a pertinent and responsible debate (en saklig och vederhäftig diskussion), nor statements made in a completely private sphere. There are constitutional restrictions pertaining to which acts are criminalized, as well limits set by the European Convention on Human Rights.

The sexual orientation provision, added in 2002,was used to convict Pentecostalist pastor Åke Green of hate speech against homosexuality based on a 2003 sermon. His conviction was later overturned. Other noticeable cases are Dan Berner and Björn Björkqvist who got convicted for hate speech against Islam.

The removal of slogans was applauded by some but condemned by many?
My stomach always turns when many people find freedom of speech more important than racism and their own law fighting racism.
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Sorry Foro, couldn't resist :)
Racism has been a motivating factor in social discrimination, racial segregation, hate speech and violence (such as pogroms, genocides and ethnic cleansings). Despite the persistence of racial stereotypes in humor and epithets in some everyday language, racial discrimination is illegal in many countries.
And yes, there are many racists in Sweden and also in my country. But I do not remember many people got angry when discriminating slogans were removed in the underground or other public transport. That's a bad sign.
We could probably do with moving this over to the European Politics thread if it's about racist speech v freedom of speech in Europe.
Not sure if it is only about Europe. It still has to do with what Travis said. It's a very principle kind of thing.

Perhaps there's still an old topic that would suit this matter.
Not sure if it is only about Europe. It still has to do with what Travis said. It's a very principle kind of thing.

Perhaps there's still an old topic that would suit this matter.

Sure ;) As long as we all stick to facts, avoid emotive language and try to avoid it getting heated.
I live in a flat and someone just rang the bell (downstairs in the main entrance):

"Hello Mr. (etc.), I ask your permission to drop a Christian magazine in your mailbox. Where is it going with the world..."

I interrupt her by saying in a friendly voice: "No thank you kindly".

"OK, then I won't do it".

"Thank you."

Still annoying, but at least polite permission was asked! :)
Most definitely beats Jehova's Witness' kids showing up at your doorstep, with an eager parent standing in the back.
Some of it is quite entertaining though. The endless warnings of the horrid ending of mankind closing in upon us, salvation, yada yada.