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Speaking of doorbells, something odd is going on at my place. There are three active members here who have been to my place, but for all others, I have a long hallway that runs along a small courtyard. It's really tiny and it even has a transparent roof over it, and most flats have one or two windows facing it. As you might imagine, it echoes really loudly there, and when one of my windows there is open, I can hear everything that's going on.
So anyway, the other night, I wake up at 4:30 am. It takes a moment to gather my senses, but then I realise that somebody is ringing the doorbell for the place downstairs. Not the actual flat door, but that of the house door. And that person isn't just ringing the doorbell - he has the finger on the bell for over twenty minutes. Not stopping and ringing again, but keeping it pressed. And twenty minutes isn't an exaggeration, it was literally at least that long. I don't know how long it was ringing before I woke up.
Now, the odd thing is this: I live right over a children's doctor's office. So it's empty in the afternoon, at night and on weekends. Nobody would be expected to be there at 4:30 am. Sometimes there's a janitor there at 23:00, but that's it. I slowly get up and look in the courtyard while the ringing is still going on, and I see that the light there is on. I don't have any windows facing the house door, but I still open one of my living room windows in case I can see if anything is going on. I see a woman passing by with her dog, and the moment she turns around the corner and must be passing my front door, the ringing stops... only to start again a minute later.
In case you're wondering why I didn't go downstairs to check (there is a glass window at the front door), I live in a very sketchy area with a high crime rate and many immigrants. It's simply not the area where you just open the door to strangers at 4 am.
Anyway, the ringing stops at some point, but a few minutes later, I hear raised voices downstairs in a language I couldn't identify. What troubles me most about this is that this isn't the first time this has occurred. Last Friday, I heard a similar ringing at around 2 or 3 am, but I couldn't locate it then because I was drunk. I decided to observe this over the weekend and if I hear it again, I'll ask the people working in the office about it on Monday morning.
That's weird. Were they actually in the doctor's office, then? Someone would ring the doorbell like that at the flats where I used to live, usually in the early hours on a weekend. I think they were trying to wake another tenant up, and he was usually drunk. They would stay for a few minutes then leave. Someone else would turn up and do the same thing later. Very dodgy.
Agreed. We need pictures from the time you leave house to when you return...

The removal of slogans was applauded by some but condemned by many?
My stomach always turns when many people find freedom of speech more important than racism and their own law fighting racism.

Their ad campaign was also way over the top. I understand why it was torn down. As far as I know, it was basically worded to tourists coming to Sweden "apologizing" for the many people begging at the subway station..

You can see it here, plastered all over the escalator hallway...

People pulling it down:

Congrats, Foro and Brig. How does this thing work though? How did you guys get selected as people to board the Bruce-plane?
I never met a bandmember in a Maiden environment.

Meeting Blaze and Paul is not very difficult especially Blaze. And Steve neither when he does his thing with British Lion.

I first met Blaze before the second album was released, supporting Saxon. I talked longer with some of his band mates than with Blaze himself, but the whole band was at their merchandise stand. Didn't see much from Saxon. ;)

I met Paul in 2004 (I believe) when he tried to rush out of the venue after having locked himself up backstage. He said "I'm sorry, I'm ill", quickly autographed my vinyl Sanctuary 12 inch single and left.

I met Steve last year after the British Lion gig. It was so crowded that I just complimented him on the show, asked for a photo moment and an autograph.