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And some on here have gotten upset at me for giving certain thoughts and opinions on black people. They only bring it upon themselves with these actions.

That has nothing to do with black people in general. It has to do with Black Lives Matter organization. If you disagree with them, disagree with them. You can't hold an entire race responsible for every activist organization. They're not bringing anything upon themselves, they're protesting what's being brought upon them.
Well, these types of actions sure don't make the rest of their race look very good. If they want to change the way people like me view them, then they need to stop protesting like this. But nothing will ever change so why the hell do I keep bringing things like this up?
Travis said something similar a while back. I flipped, Travis said something to the effect that he'd never say anything as stupid again.

Said every entitled racist looking to silence minority voices ever. Oh, if only "they" could be more peaceful and docile so as to garner a more positive reaction from the master race.

Travis, they protest because racists like you make blanket statements about them and act as if they deserve any injustice that comes their way. Whether you agree with them or not, judging a whole group by the actions of the few is downright stupid. I'd hate it if someone saw your racist shit and thought every white person was like that.
I'm not against all blacks. It's these ones doing all this protesting that's upsetting and it can result in making them all look bad. They already don't like the way a lot of white people view them and their protesting isn't helping that. Even some black people are telling them they need to stop all this if they want to stop being viewed in negative ways. Remember the video of Jonathan Gentry I posted? If people of their own race are against their actions such as all these protests, that alone is proof that they need to put an end to what they're doing.
I'm not against all blacks. It's these ones doing all this protesting that's upsetting and it can result in making them all look bad. They already don't like the way a lot of white people view them and their protesting isn't helping that. Even some black people are telling them they need to stop all this if they want to stop being viewed in negative ways. Remember the video of Jonathan Gentry I posted? If people of their own race are against their actions such as all these protests, that alone is proof that they need to put an end to what they're doing.

Would you enjoy it if a black man called you a terrorist because there are white terrorists out there? Would you enjoy it if a black man called you a neo-Nazi because there are white supremacist neo-Nazi groups out there? If the answer is no, then stop holding an entire race accountable for what a person or a group of people of that race does.

The problem, you see, is not that you disagree with the protests. It's that you hold all black people accountable for the protests. It's that you're taking everything away from their fight against racial discrimination because the methods of a certain group offended you. One group of people fucking up doesn't make the fight any less worthy.
Well, these types of actions sure don't make the rest of their race look very good. If they want to change the way people like me view them, then they need to stop protesting like this. But nothing will ever change so why the hell do I keep bringing things like this up?
Travis, people will not stop when there's unjustice brought upon them. Protest is a logical reaction.
Why on earth would you want to silence them? If you're uncle would be gunned down because some officer did not do his job well, and has a looser hand on the trigger becaue of your uncle's colour, if you would not be able to find a job because of your colour, or if your aunt would have a heavier punishment than the black woman across the street for the same petty crime, if you'd feel, no, if you'd know that also your justice system is unfair (or used in an unfair manner), wouldn't you build-up a rage?

It you would be discriminated, at some point, you're not going to take it anymore.
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But nothing will ever change so why the hell do I keep bringing things like this up?

Well, things have changed.

White people are not allowed to own black people anymore.
Black and white children can attend the same schools.
Black people can take the same bus as you, Travis! Scary, eh?

And a black communist muslim has become President of the United States :p
Well, these types of actions sure don't make the rest of their race look very good.
This is where you go wrong. Why think do you these people - any people - should have to worry about how they make "the rest of their race" look whenever they do something? Whatever "the rest of their race" may be, it's not like we're talking about discrete categories here. If you were to disagree with me about something, would you generalize that to "Europeans" or some comparatively vague group? Take a moment to think about how you judge different ethnicities.

why the hell do I keep bringing things like this up?
You tell me.
Travis, mate, a major problem here is overgeneralising about the black population. One group isn't representative of all black people, any more than the English Defence League represents me. I don't know all that much about the law in your area, but I suspect this group actually has a right to protest, too.
Well, these types of actions sure don't make the rest of their race look very good.

It's problematic that the term 'race' is even used, given the negative association the word has with eugenics and recent 19th century history.
Especially as a 'white' person, it's downright rude and insensitive to use so I would ask that you use the term 'ethnicity' or 'community' in the future when discussing such matters.

It's actually quite an interesting discussion to have about protests and the view the 'general' population gets of a group.
For instance, recently in Sweden, a racist party (Swedish Democrats) put up slogans in the Stockholm underground and people protested against this and after a demonstration against this, some activists tore down the slogans. This was applauded by some but condemned by many (!), as it was viewed that the right of the Swedish Democrat's to voice their opinion was violated. Never mind that their message was racist and undemocratic and against the rights of others.
Does this make the 'general population' racist or just naive and lacking empathy?
What would the reaction have been if someone put up slogans saying that Sweden has a racism problem?
What if the protester's hadn't torn down the slogans?