Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

I like this quote, which seems to sum up quite nicely to the philosophy of this forum to its favourite band, and to art in general:

It’s the art that matters, and not the people. It has always been my belief that bands are made up of real, only semi-remarkable people making what is hopefully quite remarkable art, and therefore really what matters is the work. Because, plain and simple, the work has been work (a painter paints; writing is rewriting etc.). And that is especially the case with this band, much blood sweat and tears going into the many amazing songs that we will discuss.
— Martin Popoff, in his introduction to Blue Öyster Cult: Secrets Revealed!
The toll guys are so useless. Spent the whole day exchanging e-mails with them and I just went to receive my stuff but they had still (after all the negotiation) mixed something up. I'll hopefully get it tomorrow.
The toll guys are so useless. Spent the whole day exchanging e-mails with them and I just went to receive my stuff but they had still (after all the negotiation) mixed something up. I'll hopefully get it tomorrow.
Is this still your guitar you're talking about? What's the hold up? Have you got to pay some sort of Adrian Added Duty?
Is this still your guitar you're talking about? What's the hold up? Have you got to pay some sort of Adrian Added Duty?

In a nutshell: as you know, I ordered the guitar + DiMarzio Super Distortion pickup. The pickup arrived first BUT they got it confused with the guitar and asked for the tax of the guitar (which is a lot more than the tax for the pickup). Now the guitar is still in their hands and the pickup tax is probably needed this time. They fucked up which got everyone confused so...
What a titanic fucking pain in the arse! Nae luck man. Are you fitting the DiMarzio yourself, or are you getting someone to do that for you once you have them both?