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I got a new haircut. I've been rehashing the same old haircut for at least four years, but finally went with a different one. Durr durr durrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

I read that all men in North Korea need a new haircut (if they haven't got it already). From now on they'll all have to take the same haircut as their leader.
Do you need to wear a wig if you're bald then?

Seriously though. Not surprising. No end to the madness.
The results from the exam are in. Not nearly as well as it could've been which is not a surprise since I didn't study hard enough this year. I'll take the exam next year as well, after moving to Ankara in the summer. I probably won't be starting university next year. I could get into some very good schools with this year's result, but I want the best one. And there are some advantages of not starting university next year as well, so I'm quite alright with failure.