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I just realized, I haven't eaten lunch or dinner today! I was so caught up in listening to Iron Maiden and Genesis that I lost track of time!
So. after spending a shitload of hours and money on constructing bass traps for my home studio room, I've come to the realization that a lot of the 135 hz-ish energy comes from air born low end making my table vibrate. Although, the bass traps have helped solidify the low end, the 135 region is still a problem. I also spent 250$ on Auralex foam. Realized it was a complete waste the moment it was delivered. I should have made broadband wool panels instead.

Moral of the story? Think before you act.

I wish I knew what any of this meant, but I don't :(
Basically, the low end is most often a problem area in untreated rooms. Excess bass builds up in corners and then travels along with the walls. There are several solutions to this, or variations of the principle of absorbing the bass with so called bass traps. I built some myself to get a better, more solid low end, rather than having the bass jump out in my face at certain frequencies.

And that helped a bit in general. But the excess bass is still there at some very specific frequencies. I realized that the cause of this seems to be my table resonating!

I also bought Auralex foam to hang on my walls. But I made the purchase before studying up on the subject of room treatment. I soon learned that the Auralex is pretty useless (but looks cool and professional, yo) and I could've made better ones myself.
My reaction to recent events in this thread:

Just hanging out with a few people, and they wouldn't let me go until the definite last train. Which is nice but also difficult if you live on the other side of town.