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Oh lawd. Oh jesus. Oh everything...

Due to some schedule mixup, a friend from high school was in my class at uni today. He's a good guy, but has reputation of being very boring, awkward and... smelly.


I had to breathe through my mouth for 30 minutes. It was agony. Thank Barlow, instead of 90 class ended after 30 minutes.

What's really sad is that I'll go to the cinema with the same guy tomorrow, and luckily two other guys. I know who I'm not sitting next to.
@Ariana: I know, you're right. We talked about it in high school, but no one had the guts to do it. Most of the time he doesn't smell bad, but when he smells bad it's really really bad. I sat next to him on an excursion to Greece (which involved a lot of bus time every day) and he didn't smell bad. Today was probably the worst day ever. :|
Is that because he doesn't wash himself or his clothes, or is it a natural stench? My prof has the latter.
I'm not quite sure. I'll go with - doesn't take a bath very often. If it was natural, he'd smell like that every day, which isn't the case. I'll talk with the other guys who are going to the cinema with us tomorrow about it.

We had a thing in high school, where the whole class buy each other Christmas/New Years gifts, randomly chosen. I got him and actually bought him what you just said :P
I'm not quite sure. I'll go with - doesn't take a bath very often. If it was natural, he'd smell like that every day, which isn't the case. I'll talk with the other guys who are going to the cinema with us tomorrow about it.

Do you think he knows about the problem himself and just chooses to ignore it or is he completely oblivious to the matter?
I will start listening through Black Sabbath discography in order to be able to not be prejudiced while talking about them.