Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

Every time there is a bullshit pressured pointless out-of-the-blue made-up embarrass-yourself-in-front-of-the-school assignment our class teacher makes some of us do, I'm one of those few who has to take part. EVERY time!
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So, five minutes ago, for the first time in my life, I thought "I wish I had a tablet". Hm.
Bugger off, you bastards bugger off!
Bugger off, you bastards bugger off!
Like a herd of bloody swine who refuse to leave the troth
You'll get no more this evening so you bastards bugger off!
Too many slaves in this world
Die by torture and pain
Too many people do not see
They're killing themselves - going insane

Too many people do not know
Bondage is over the human race
They believe slaves always lose
And this fear keeps them down

Watch the damned (God bless ya)
They're gonna break their chains (hey)
No, you can't stop them (God bless ya)
They're coming to get you
And then you'll get your

Balls to the wall, man
Balls to the wall
You'll get your balls to the wall, man
Balls to the wall - balls to the wall
When you said that, I thought we were only a couple posts away but then I looked at your post and it's only 68231. Now it's 68232. Only 1768 posts away!