Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

I'd call that plan B.

I think an online service for people that have poor taste in music, art, culture and literature. We could be personal assistants for the culturally deficient.
Is this to actually help the culturally deficient, or enable them to access more poor taste culture and contact like-minded people?
Are we trying to give people access to richer culture, or continue their cycle of sad self-destruction? Something tells me we'd make more money if we point them towards further garbage. But then, pesky ethics come in to play.
Are we trying to give people access to richer culture, or continue their cycle of sad self-destruction? Something tells me we'd make more money if we point them towards further garbage. But then, pesky ethics come in to play.

We can make a token donation to some charity .. ethics problem solved. Bring on the popular crap
I'm all for it! To combine two convos: it'll get our minds off of escaping our own lives while we help others destroy theirs! Plus, we'll feel better about ourselves because we'll see just how terrible other people's tastes can be. Win-win, I think.
Okay, while you plot your turboclever ways to get rich and get a break from your lives, I might as well enjoy my life the way it is. :D Hurray!
The other day I watched this, check Dave here, what a sound! He comes right after Mr Smith who is so much into it. Great to watch.
Watch from 10.00 and further..... and play on 11! I like Nicko's drum sound in this raw mix. Great tone on the snare !