I've been waiting since June 15th to talk about the setlist here. I really can't be bothered wading through the spoiler tags just to have a conversation.
Usually, a couple times a year, I get this 'I wanna get the fuck out' feeling... I often say 'my daughters are lucky they are still in school, or I'd wake up one morning, sell everything I own and head for a coast.' I'm feeling that way today. Sheesh, I want a break from reality!
I know the feeling. I have about 5 years and my youngest should be well through college and I am starting operation "BearFan does whatever the fuck he wants to do"
My youngest has 5 years til High School graduation-- by this time in 2018, my kids will all be out of the house... I should sell the pad and rent a place so I can bail at any time!
Its not that I dislike my life, but I've had kids since I was 20, and I kinda want to go do something stupid I really wanna jump on my bike and ride from NYC to LA...
We are thinking about selling our house, then renting or buy a small place as a base and possibly a small place overseas to stay in/rent/trade for other rentals
I know where you're coming from. I'm thoroughly bored with sitting in the same office for over a decade watching this industry go down the pan. I just wish I had something I could sell to fund some sort of break!
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