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External hard drives don't do shit. They broke down as well. I thought I had saved everything. Fuck that worthless pile of crap.

I should probably stay away from public life for a while because I might hurt someone or myself.
Yup. For smaller but important files I also use cloud storage and a program called Dropbox. It basically let's you save your file there and you can access it from whever you are on the internet using Dropbox..also if something should happen to the original file on my computer I know it's stored there and I can easily restore it.
For me the worst part is this:

I'm a pessimistic guy. I mostly see the glass as half empty. But not to be regretful I've used the same solution for years. Whenever I made mistakes, I was in a deep position of sadness or disappointment, I used it as a motivation to write. For example I had love life troubles, I've done horrible mistakes and sometimes went the wrong way even when I was told that it actually WAS the wrong way. Some guys on this forum know what I'm talking about so no need to get back and write things over and over again. Dare I say almost exclusively they were right on point. But it happens and you learn the hard way. And you know, that thing worked out. With all the wrong moves, I got experienced over time and I do not look at anything in the past with regret. I learnt to see the bright side of otherwise not so bright events. I looked at the poems I wrote when I was saddened. They were pretty good. I was proud of my work. It made me say "I'm glad that bad thing happened." Same applied with music, too. The things that didn't go the way I wanted them became the most precious moments I've ever experienced.

Now seeing that everything that changed the way I see the events, the stuff that enlightens my past and takes its light to the present to shine as great works are gone, THAT's what hurts. I'll stay the way I am now, but seeing the trees I planted over my dark way fall down to the ground, it's not so cool.

Unnecessarily detailed rant over. I think I should go and get drunk now.
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Those were the things the helped you get through some tough times in your life and now they're gone. I wish I could say "I know how you feel" but I can't. I can't even imagine how you feel with this loss.
...See ya in the Drunk Posting thread Flash!

Nah, my condolences, I understand how much it must suck to loose your past like that...It will get better.
After five years of university, I have not been a student for the last eight days and it sucks. I'm currently sitting with my (nonexistant) CV in front of me wondering what to write about myself.
Feeling for you NP. I'm having the worst day of my life.

The breakdown of my hard drive last month caused me to lose thousands of musical recordings, the work of 3 years was gone waste just in seconds. I had backed up other works and archives in another hard drive.

Today I've learnt that all of my backups were gone because other hard drive broke down as well. Which means basically all I had written, be it poems, articles (the stuff that I was most proud of doing up to date, because they were very well acclaimed by others and I loved them), any kinds of ideas, reviews, diaries I had written for years, my old pictures, my musical archives, videos, films, everything. Every work I've done is gone forever.

I hadn't recovered from losing all musical work, now I've lost everything. Hadn't cried a single time in last three years. Couldn't stop myself today.

All may not be lost. There are recovery programs. I don't know in what way your hard drives broke down, but unless you dropped it from 100 stories high, went over the pieces with a magnet and melted them in a fire, there is always hope.
After five years of university, I have not been a student for the last eight days and it sucks. I'm currently sitting with my (nonexistant) CV in front of me wondering what to write about myself.

All may not be lost. There are recovery programs. I don't know in what way your hard drives broke down, but unless you dropped it from 100 stories high, went over the pieces with a magnet and melted them in a fire, there is always hope.

Actually, it didn't break down. It was a little more complicated but I just didn't have it in me to write in detail at that point, I was having a mild nervous breakdown. I can just say that there's no hope. I'll swallow it and move on.
Do you still have the drives?

Yes I do. I have no solid basis for it but I've got an idea as to what exactly happened.

I (or we in this matter) have three different external hard drives. One is solely mine, other two are for everything involving the family, my mother uses it as well. I had backed up all files in one of the common used hard drives (let's call it Drive A) and named it as Çağatay (which is my name). On the other common used hard drive (let's call it Drive B ) there was another Çağatay file which had much older and worthless material in it. Drive A is much bigger than Drive B therefore my mother transfers everything on Drive B to Drive A over time. She checks everything very well but my only idea is that she cut and pasted the worthless Çağatay file of Drive B to worthy Çağatay file of Drive A and answered the "Do you want to change bla bla" question "Yes". She swears she didn't, but I don't know.