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You call it boring, I call it relaxing. I miss the days when I could spend my whole weekend in bed and just read a book.
Boredom has never been in my dictionary, ever since I was a kid. And in the last years it's rather the opposite: often having (the feeling of having) not enough time.
Whenever I'm bored, I do one of the following:
  • Exercise. Run, bike, walk - whatever fits my current mood and physical form.
  • Practice an instrument.
  • Do a job which I have postponed (it might be a boring job, but at least I'm doing something).
  • Post some nonsense in this thread, like I'm doing just now :help:
There's people who can always do something in order to not be bored, and there's people for whom that's difficult. It varies for me but usually I get sad when I'm bored and that's the harder thing to relieve. Also, I saw a psychological nightmare.
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Boredom's a state of mind. Breaking the routine and doing something different, just anything different, helps.

What sort of nightmare Saap? Not a creepy crawly one?
Boredom's a state of mind. Breaking the routine and doing something different, just anything different, helps.

What sort of nightmare Saap? Not a creepy crawly one?

It started off in a horrifying forest. There were three of us (no idea who the other 2 were) and there was a trail which lead to the most ominous part of the forest. Me and one other guy(?) chickened out and didn't dare to go there but the third one went in. We knew that very scary things would happen on that path but at the same time it was really interesting.
Then began the second half of the dream: I was near a hospital, in a place approx. 5 km away from my real life home (there isn't a hospital there irl). I had to get my blood test results because tomorrow or Tuesday I will actually give a blood test. So things just started going bad for me, every tiny little aspect, I was stuck with people I didn't like and I was more and more in despair with each passing second, kind of weird now that I think back. Don't remember much but it was very emotional.
You're too young to lead a boring life. Let's find an exciting hobby.
My thoughts exactly.

Geez, I sparked a string if responses. :lol: I'll clear this up abit. I do go out and do fun things but being a 25 year old, I feel like I don't go out and do enough fun things. I spend a lot of my time at home and during a weekday due to work and such, that's all great and fine but weekends I have off and that's when I tend to get the most bored. My husband works odd shifts and works every other weekend and we'll do stuff when he's home but it's usually the same stuff or he won't want to do anything at all. Then there's my night life. I'd love to go out and do things like have some drinks with friends or even with the husband or just some other something like that but I don't even get to do that and I'm stuck at home on a Saturday night, falling asleep way too early for my liking.
Aside from going out and having fun at night, what other things are there that you enjoy doing, or have enjoyed doing in the past?
Well, it's not a matter of hobby, I just really like to go out and do anything. I'm very simple in that way. Getting the chance to hang out with friends and go places, just doing some sort of fun activity maybe like playing something as simple as miniature golf or going bowling. Maybe going to a movie and going out to eat after word. When I get the chance, I love going to concerts but I haven't been to one since....2009 I think it was? Just stuff like that. I've gotten stuck in a rut doing the same things with my time off on the weekends and I kind of just came to this realization last night. We always go out to a mall or some sort of store and its always a quick trip and we never buy anything hardly and we'll just come straight home.
I totally get that, including the stuck in a rut thing. I'd still advise you to just try and do something new, maybe something you've never done before. Like taking a drawing course or something like that. When I grew up and became self-dependent, my mom had a similar problem, and she started going to a writing course. Why not see what's being offered in your area and give it a shot? Sure it could fail or turn out to suck, but it can't harm to try.
I've always thought about trying something different like that. Maybe not drawing because I already know I suck at that. :lol: But I'm sure there's something out there waiting for me. I just have to go find it. Usually in my boredom, I end up doing arty craft type things and I enjoy doing that alot. Maybe I could look further into that sort of thing and see what there is.
Oh yes, weekends are a pain. Thing with me I hardly ever get invited by my friends to do something, and I can't find the confidence in me to go out and explore the world by myself. Most activities that come to mind seem utterly pointless so I'm left with the few things that I enjoy very much but get incredibly painful when done every day.
You're still young and in school. You have the whole world ahead so if you're not ready to explore it yet, you have some time. But at the same time, because you are still young, you shouldn't be bored with life either.
12:14Perun[Van Canto's] female singer is really hot
12:15LooseCannonNot as hot as Epica's. But close

12:16PerunI'd say they're even
12:16LooseCannonRedheads put it over for me every time.
12:16PerunSee, for me it's black hair.
12:16LooseCannonWell then, that makes sense
12:17PerunThere'd be no conflict between us.

12:17LooseCannonGame theory
12:17LooseCannonI saw that in a movie once. None of us go for the blonde
12:17LooseCannonThen some other stuff happens and you win a Nobel
12:17PerunWhat's the movie?
12:18LooseCannonA Beautiful Mind
12:18PerunFuck you.
I went to the Las Vegas show &St Louis show. The Vegas crowd was more rowdy until Bruce kicked a fan out the venue in the pit because he was pushing a lil kid around after that it's kind of like the pit got scared straight. But during the encore the pit got live again