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That's right. But if 5% of people listen to Jenny McCarthy and don't vaccinate their kids, that fucks herd immunity. Then you have shit like kids dying of diseases like the measles or scarlet fever - because their friends weren't vaccinated.
I'm not totally knowledgeable about the laws, but a lot of schools here in Colorado don't allow kids who aren't up to date with vaccinations.
You guys serious? I had no idea there were people who didn't know vaccines can unlock a huge number of diseases, autism included. Yes, it does not happen very often and yes, in certain parts of the world risks are outweighed by the benefits of vaccines. But in more developed parts of the world most vaccines are useless and my daughter is not getting any of this.
Any credible studies you can cite re autism link? The CDC, WHO, American Academy of Pediatrics and the Institute of Medicine all disagree with you.

Certainly some vaccines can cause negative reactions in rare cases. The flu vaccine is known to actually cause a low-grade flu in a small but non-negligible percentage of cases, so the flu vaccine is not a no-brainer. So there is always a risk. But the diseases for which children are commonly immunized, such as the MMR vaccine, were frequently fatal, so you may want to get some better advice before deciding not to vaccinate your children. Sorry if this seems condescending, it is not meant to be, and your children are your business. But your post was somewhat alarming, and you may want to think this through some more.
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Thanks, Cornfed. I have read tons of stuff, talked to my daughter's pediatrician about it and consulted a close friend of mine, who is a neonatologist. This is not a decision one makes on a whim and I have my own reasons for making it. I'm not a new-age maniac and I acknlowledge the fact that vaccines have helped humanity immensely and still do. I have no intention to influence other people's choices but I have made mine.

All the institutions you have mentioned would not accept this view unless it has been proven beyond any doubt and I realize that this is not going to happen any time soon. Since I work with sources, I also realize that the ones I'm able to provide would not seem convincing enough to you. No mainstream media would cover such news. But still, just for the heck of it, here is one:


"The results of this study agree with a number of previously published studies. These studies have shown that there is biological plausibility and epidemiological evidence showing a direct relationship between increasing doses of mercury from thimerosal-containing vaccines and neurodevelopmental disorders, and measles-containing vaccines and serious neurological dis-orders."

"Similarly, this study also provides additional epidemiological evidence showing that there is a direct
correlation between increasing primary pediatric measles-containing immunizations and the prevalence
of autism."
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Got back from spending 4 days in and around Chicago. Came back with 10 new pieces of clothing with Bears, Cubs, and BlackHawks logos on them :) Besides visiting family, we did go up to the Field Museum. I had not been there since I was 10 or 11. Really impressive place. Highlights IMO are Sue the T-Rex and the Ancient Egyptian collection
What is it with Annihilator and their tendency to be amazing the one moment, and shit the next... sometimes even within a single song!
Case in point: I like ballads. Really, I do. Even when they get cheesy and sweet. They have their purposes. Safe Home, for instance, is a very soppy Anthrax ballad, but it works cool on their Music of Mass Destruction live album. Coming Home is pretty sweet, but it made for one of the best live moments I ever witnessed. So did Watching Over Me, which is one of the most genuine and heartfelt songs I know. This is Your Life, at the very least, has made my throat dry every time since the day Dio died. Before the Dawn by Judas Priest, Empty by Vreid and A Tout Le Monde by Megadeth all have their purpose, and they are all great.

Having said all that... no metal album should ever have a song like this on it:

Or this:
