Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

June would have been a year for me but that's not saying too much. :lol: I feel like I've liked them for a lot longer though. It has so far been the best year and about 3 months getting into Maiden and still going strong.
June would have been a year for me but that's not saying too much. :lol: I feel like I've liked them for a lot longer though. It has so far been the best year and about 3 months getting into Maiden and still going strong.

Pretty much 1 year and 3 moths for me too, BUT I listened to Fear of the Dark, Number of the Beast and Prowler a lot earlier. Liked the first one and the third, didn't care for NotB much.
I don't honestly know how long I've liked Maiden. I listened to them on and off from some time in the 80s to the early 90s, just before Bruce left. Then there was a huge gap until two, maybe two and a half years ago. I missed the Final Frontier tour, which is a pity, because they played Manchester.
Thirteen years for me.

Speaking of, I'm tired of new people coming to the forum and just shitting on Blaze all over. I get it, you don't like Blaze. But as always, posting in every thread remotely related to that just annoys and saddens me.
Thirteen years for me.

Speaking of, I'm tired of new people coming to the forum and just shitting on Blaze all over. I get it, you don't like Blaze. But as always, posting in every thread remotely related to that just annoys and saddens me.

Links please? There are billions of threads I don't follow.
I'm glad I don't give very much for other people's opinions, otherwise I'd blow up every time I read the Blaze bashing.
Yeah, tired and sad. Listening to most people these days, I just get tired and sad.
I have just the prescription for sadtiredness peepilsuk syndrome:
Put on you headphones, listen to two sides of Powerslave and it should clear your symptoms right up.
That is just untrue.

I'm listening to The Angel and the Gambler. I don't care who knows, I fucking love this song.
That was one of my favorites when I first heard Virtual. I actually haven't listened to it in a very long time, I wonder if I still like it.