Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

I'm back from a lovely and relaxing time at the beach! :D Looks like the only thing I missed was a couple pages of randomness. Not too much to catch up on. Good.
I'm back from a lovely and relaxing time at the beach! :D Looks like the only thing I missed was a couple pages of randomness. Not too much to catch up on. Good.

This is very disrespectful of the people who spent their precious time discussing existential problems here.
Of course I didn't mean it that way. :) I hardly have a mean, disrespectful bone in my body! Well, only when it's needed...which it wasn't in this case. :p
I feel left out being one of the very few on here who hasn't seen them yet.... But I will get my chance and it will truly be glorious.

On a somewhat related note, I realized the other day that I've now been listening to Iron Maiden for ten years. I know a lot of people on here have been listening for much longer, but it's still pretty cool to me. It has been a very rocking decade. :shred: