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I like Divine Wings but the title track overshadows the rest of it. Not like Odyssey where all the other material is equally strong.
Speaking of 20 minute songs, I'm thinking about picking up some Dream Theater soon. Is Octavarium worth it? I love Octavarium and Panic Attack to death, but from what I've heard it's not all that good.
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I like the album, but it's actually pretty commercial for their standards. Lots of influence from bands like U2 and Muse, the title track being the only really proggy thing on there. Definitely not the best for a first timer. You want Images and Words or Awake. Scenes From A Memory is good too if you like concept albums, which judging by your comment on V, you do.
I love Octavarium myself. You want to hear an amazing DT song over 20 minutes long? Give this a listen:
A Change Of Seasons is awesome but it never had quite the same impact as Octavarium for me. But yea, definitely a must for aspiring DT fans.
One of the only thing that I kind of didn't like about V was how they decided to have 5 short instrumentals that had some good ideas tossed about but the songs themselves didn't have enough time to truly get fleshed out; that and Absence of Light and Fool's Paradise were prog metal by the numbers. They kinda didn't fit too well considering the album builds up this epic atmosphere of ancient Egypt, then it's like boom average prog metal.
Yea I agree with that, Absence of Light and Fool's Paradise would be awesome on some of their earlier albums though. The instrumental, In The Wake Of Poseidon is really great, I think they managed to flesh those ideas out well. Plus one of the themes comes back on the final song, dunno if you've noticed that.
Yeah there was that one riff it Rediscovery pt. II that I knew was from somewhere but I couldn't put my finger on.
Some of the instrumentals were very good, but songs like Transcendence really have no point; they could have easily tacked that on the end of Fallen. I mean I guess it sets up Communion and the Oracle fairly well.
Yeah there was that one riff it Rediscovery pt. II that I knew was from somewhere but I couldn't put my finger on.
Some of the instrumentals were very good, but songs like Transcendence really have no point; they could have easily tacked that on the end of Fallen. I mean I guess it sets up Communion and the Oracle fairly well.
Yea agreed, concept albums are usually like that anyway. Scenes From A Memory has a few of those, but it comes out better than V I think. It's closer to the shorter tracks on Operation Mindcrime.