Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

Didn't you know? That's what deep space smells like. It's been recently proven.

So Farnsworth did get that smell-o-scope out after all.

I believe they asked Buzz Aldrin about it (seriously, I think he's the line's sponsor).

Deep Space or Apollo?

I tried both, Apollo is definitely better. Because, you know, nothing beats an astronaut.
Two days ago, in a moment of anger caused by the terrible running of my laptop, I punched the front side of it. Turns out I was way stronger than I thought and under the place I punched there was HDD. Yesterday it went to service but in the end my HDD broke down. All of my musical recordings (over 2.000) were gone, because they weren't backed up. Lessons learned, sadness has completed its course and I put it past me.

I got my laptop back today hence why I hadn't written anything on the forum since two days ago.
It's almost 4 AM and I'm still awake. Whhhyyyyy :(

I lost all my musical recordings too, earlier this year. Also lost all the sheet music I had saved and everything I had ripped from CDs. Was quite tragic. Still in the process of replacing all that stuff.
A difficult order of letters and numbers representing parts of names of historical figures not many people know about, and moments in time they lived in?

Let's say you're not completely wrong about one component. But even that component is encrypted using logic based on association apparent only when you created it yourself.
How come there's ones who don't pick up their phone, ones who're too tired to do anything, ones who have other plans and so on. And I'm the fucking one who's stuck at home for too long, eager to have fun. I'll be off to my grandma's countryplace tomorrow, was hoping to feel better before that. I must be so boring that no one's interested in me.
Hmm, I can imagine this doesn't feel nice Saap. But when someone says no you could try to make an appointment for another day, and see if that works out?
Hmm, I can imagine this doesn't feel nice Saap. But when someone says no you could try to make an appointment for another day, and see if that works out?

I've tried to do so, there's one guy who I've been talking to like every day or every other day (on Facebook) and he just ignores me. As for others, it's usually this: "Oh, can't today but tomorrow, sure!", the next day they say the same because they feel lazy or someone else has allured them with a better idea.
The next day you go there without contacting. there was an appointment wasn't there? (Not saying this works, but it shows you're serious about not constantly fooling around with appointments).
Thing is I don't have anywhere to go, I need to find out where the person is first, but that, as I've said, is close to impossible.