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Spending this week taking a basic course in offshore security, with a lot of practical exercises. Yesterday included swimming in the sea wearing a survival drysuit, entering a life raft from the sea, and turning over said liferaft if it has been inflated with the bottom up.

Today we did training in evacuation from a helicopter landing on water and tipping over. Rather enjoyable if you're not claustrophobic or aquaphobic. Luckily, I am neither, so I've been having great fun. Tomorrow is the last day of the course, and it will include practical exercises in first aid and handling of fires.
Well if he keeps fucking things up, I am not sure how long you want to continue with him like that.

I was talking about the others. If you know where someone lives, and you manage to get in contact, ask if he wants to meet up. Be sure, before you guys "hang up" that you mention a time and a place. And don't do a recheck last minute (or on the day itself) because they get used to saying no to you if show them that you let them.

So without the double checking, go to that place. If the person is not there, then you can express that you really don't like this.
Oh my god, this is getting weirder on a whole new level. I managed to call the guy, he told me a time when he would be home (which is 1-2 hours ago now) and now he ignores me again. I couldn't arrange an exact time because he wasn't sure when he'd be available. I see him posting stuff on FB...

Yeah, Eddie, the band's style didn't fit me anyway but it's the worst case scenario now, like I'm left out of every possible thing.
There was a guy called Madden on a forum I used to post on and every time I saw "Iron Maiden" written on that forum I read it as "Iron Madden" so he photoshopped himself into a photo with the band and used the Maiden font to put "Iron Madden" on the photo.
5 minutes til its time for me to go home!! I'm making my oldest daughter drive her (5-speed) car home tonight... she isn't happy with me :)
LOL Wasted.

Well, I did some real thinking about my cousin on Facebook and this is the message I sent to him:
Mikey, I did a lot of thinking and I would just like to say I'm sorry for the attitude I had. That is completely your lifestyle and you have a right to share it with others if you wish. In fact, that has actually made me respect you even more for not being afraid to show people what you're into. It takes quite a bit of courage to do that and I'm proud of you for having that courage. Hopefully it will help others to be less afraid to show who they really are. You're awesome in every way! Brotherly love and hugs for you my great friend!
I just listened to V, the New Mythology Suite Monday. It was my first Symphony X record and it blew me away.

Hey where's Mosh at? He also loves Symphony X.
This is pretty amazing! The ALMA telescope in Chile has captured a close-up of a newborn star.