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Oh no, I'm just saying to be cognizant of what you pay for power as well. But that sounds...well, pretty fantastic. Looking at the rates, I'd pay about $22.50 a month to charge fully every night.

With the insanely high price of gas in Canada, $22 a month would be a hell of a deal
And it's not ever going to come back down to a reasonable level. What is it per gallon (what a stupid measurement system) there?
By me, it is about $3.40 ... other parts of the country (excluding a place like Hawaii that has a logistical reason why it should be higher) is more .. like California.
Yes, it's extremely expensive in Estonia where the wages are poor. I think Finland has similar prices but people are twice as rich there. Same thing compared to Canada and the U.S.
Man, that'd break me. Much more that the price is right now, and it'd be cheaper to sell my house and move to where I work... i don't wanna, but once it starts costing me $300+ a month in gas... its just cheaper to move.
So I haven't been able to get any work done on my new job because tech support is as efficient as a foreign army invading Russia in January.
True, but I pay less in health care costs monthly, so I think it averages out ;)
At 15,000 miles a year .. if you had a car that got 30 MPG, which is pretty good combining city and highway and probably above average. You would spend $875 more just in gas per year.
At 15,000 miles a year .. if you had a car that got 30 MPG, which is pretty good combining city and highway and probably above average. You would spend $875 more just in gas per year.
Yeah, but I pay only $26/mo for health care with no deductibles or copay.