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Amazing. A photo I took this morning of my cup of coffee because my quarter-awake brain thought it would be fun spawned a day-long discussion about drinks.

You've still got it, Thunder God.
Aaaannnnndddddd........ Spam!

It looks like today is the last full day my son is home before heading off to college again. He leaves tomorrow morning for Chicagoland and I can start cleaning my house again :)
I am in the opposite position, my son has been away for a month visiting family and is coming back tonight and starts back up at college in a few weeks. My days of lower food bills are over :)
I am in the opposite position, my son has been away for a month visiting family and is coming back tonight and starts back up at college in a few weeks. My days of lower food bills are over :)

Yeah, I'm looking forward to cheap food bills again!
Which is a risky procedure, for male bunnies, with a very high mortality rate. Which is why my parents' bunny is still humping legs to this day.
That's what I've heard. We don't plan on getting ours fixed either. He's just fine the way he is. :)
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