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I have tried to stop drinking soda and coffee. Right now, about all I drink is ice tea, gatorade G2, and water.
My soda drinking has limited. When I was a teen, I use to drink it a lot more than I do now but I can't quite live without it yet. I need some sort of caffeine fix during the day. Whether its a coffee in the morning or a soda later in the day.
I love, love, love! coffee. However, it really makes me jittery and I don't like that. So, I've been backing off coffee. Soda really messes with my blood sugar, whether its diet or not. I've cut out beer and lost 10 lbs in the past 30 days. I guess it's just gonna be grain alcohol for me now :)
Soda was deathly for me. I drank it a lot as a kid, along with juice, etc. and when I stopped, I lost over 40 lbs. Granted, I was eating better, but it was still pretty drastic.

I only drink one cup of coffee a day, in the morning before breakfast, unless I'm feeling incredibly tired and I have a big night ahead of me.
When I want caffeine, I drink a Coke Zero. No sugar, and well, it's still probably not great for me. I can't do coffee. I tried.
I used to take caffeine tablets as a student to get through extended drinking sessions or long periods of studying. Such a bad idea, I ended up with terrible headaches, palpitations and very disturbed sleep. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone.
Possibly the two most random messages I have recieved for a while, contained these videos:

God knows how the people who sent me these links found them... let alone what drugs the people who made them were on!
I've drank soda, coke, juice and all that crap extensively all my life and I weighed 132 pounds (59 kg) in June. Keep in mind that I'm 6'2'' (1.90m). I now weigh 143 pounds (65 kg).
Whoa, buddy. Wait 'til you're in your twenties and that teenage metabolism no longer applies...

I seriously doubt my skinnyness comes from being a teenager, seeing all the fat people of my age I know.

Besides, I exercise quite heavily to fix my scoliosis so being fit shouldn't be a problem in the future.
I don't like soda, I think it tastes bad. Probably healthier not to drink it anyway.
Yeah, I think soda in small doses isn't so bad. But I know the diet stuff (that I used to drink all the time) is pretty bad for you.

Its just so full of sugar.... (the non diet stuff)
I seriously doubt my skinnyness comes from being a teenager, seeing all the fat people of my age I know.

Besides, I exercise quite heavily to fix my scoliosis so being fit shouldn't be a problem in the future.

Good for you, man. I'm two inches shorter and 30 lbs heavier than you, so you're clearly doing something right!

In regards to diet pop (Midwesterner in da ha-ouse!), the lack of sugar is countered with fake sugar, which won't make you as fat, but will make you crave more quicker, and will probably give you some cancer.
Yeah, the aspertame in diet soda is supposed to cause cancer (what doesnt?) but it also messes with my blood sugar in weird ways. I'm hypoglycemic, so if I intake too much 'simple carbs', my blood sugar drops. When I drink diet soda, it feels the same way.. which is weird. So, I say screw it, and only have one on rare occasions.

They could have found a better headline :)