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I like iTunes mostly for the layout. I recently went through the nightmare of buying a new iPod, moving my entire iTunes library to an external hard drive, rerouting my iTunes library...I'm getting tired just thinking about it.

I know the cup is ugly. I stole it from the university cafeteria seven years ago.
I never had coffee either growing up until I hit about 17 - 18. I started out with cappuccino, then moved on the coffee. I prefer sweeter coffee drinks over regular coffee. Depends on my mood I guess.
I used to absolutely hate coffee until I was 20. Then, I had a student job in IT, and as a non-smoker, I needed a reason to get up every once in a while without looking weird. I was addicted to coffee within a week.
I became a coffee addict in my first year at university. Everyone else went for coffee all the time, so, well, what was I supposed to do? Just stand there?
I can't do coffee, not without getting headaches and a racing pulse. I drink a lot of water these days because we used to all drink way too much tea at work.
Not a fan of coffee at all ... the only exception might be if there is some booze in it. I usually have a Coke or something for a caffeine kick in the morning ... then iced tea the rest of the day.
Not a fan of coffee at all ... the only exception might be if there is some booze in it. I usually have a Coke or something for a caffeine kick in the morning ... then iced tea the rest of the day.

Never drink Coke, I usually have a coffee for a caffeine kick in the morning. In the evenings, I drink tea.
All coffee here. I refused to drink it until I started college. When I could barely drag myself out of bed I started drinking energy drinks every morning and quickly realized this was a terrible idea, as I would be incredibly jumpy and crash three hours later. So I started drinking coffee, with lots of cream and sugar. Years later, I can't touch any sweetener. Give me a big cup of black coffee, obsidian, midnight, the darker, the better.

Coke? I have one maybe once a month.