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What the hell is up with these gangs in The Warriors? I don't care if it was the 70's, they're the most ridiculous gangs I've every seen. They even have a gang of mimes. o_O
fucking love it! Warriors was before I was born but I don't care. I still enjoyed it when I saw it as a kid and now as an adult. To some it doesn't hold up anymore but oh well.
Tonight and tomorrow night you're able to see the Perseid meteor shower. The husband and I were just outside for about a half hour and we saw a grand total of 6 meteors. I saw the most with 4 and he saw 2.
I've got a question regarding iTunes. When I add Maiden albums which are in .wma format, the program turns them into .aac. I edit the information of the song (writers, track number etc.) and it plays normally for a day or so. But the other day it says that it couldn't find the source of the song and when I pick the same place, it edits the informations back to its older form. Any solutions?