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Fine. You guys go and think what you will about eating lions. I just happen to think highly of them and that they should not be eaten. :D

Oh and don't get me wrong. I'm not a vegetarian or vegan or against eating meat in any fashion. I love meat....just don't eat lions.
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I'm just curious as to what the meat would taste like. And I wouldn't kill a lion or tiger to eat them, but if one was already dead, I wouldn't have a problem with it.
If I am at a Chinese restaurant and they chop up the meat in small pieces put in rice,eggs,&noodles add some soy sauce you don't have to tell me what meat it is i'll eat it. Don't care if it's a zebra, cat, rat, donkey, tiger etc don't tell me what it is and let me enjoy that nice Chinese food.
I draw the line at eating carnivores.

This really does seem to be a boundary for both people and many animals.

That, and of course, "awwww they're so cutesyyyyyy they deserve to live unlike the ugly hooooog!"