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Reading that I started trying to think of what carnivore meat can you actually buy... so far I've only come up with Crocodile. I don't think there are many available simply because they can't be farmed, only hunted.

This place can get you most animals (they keep the animals on site for food) .. they are out of camel at the moment


including Bear Bacon
Does Lobster qualify as a bug? They look like large underwater bugs to me (same with crabs, crayfish, crawdads, etc)

I have had snails, thought they were decent
Wow, these things really should not be pets. They cause damage to the environment, not to mention occasional deaths like this


The two young boys killed during a python attack in News Brunswick have been identified as two brothers aged five and seven, sources confirmed to CBC News.

Authorities say autopsies are scheduled for today, hoping to shed light into the incident.

Noah Barthe, 5, and Connor Barthe, 7, were killed by a large African rock python while visiting an apartment upstairs from Reptile Ocean in Campbellton, N.B.

The two boys were found dead Monday morning.
There are more tigers in captivity than in the wild. Which means...omnomnom.

I'm sure I've heard somewhere that there are more Tigers kept as PETS in America than there are in the wild too, but I can't remember where and as such can't check.

Still, no way in hell you'll get Tiger meat.
I honestly don't care for the animal when I'm eating. I love them and oppose excessive hunting but when I'm actually eating it, it's no more than food.
I honestly don't care for the animal when I'm eating.

If I did, I wouldn't eat it :P There are certain animals I wouldn't eat even if given the chance simply due to their lack of numbers (example being the Tiger as mentioned).

I'm still struggling to think of carnivorous animals I have eaten (and/or seen available), so far the only ones I can think of that I have eaten are Shark and Swordfish.

Also, lol at the "Lobsters are bugs" thing :P I've held live lobsters, let's just say they weigh a fair bit more (and are somewhat more aggressive!) than the average bug ;)
I'm still struggling to think of carnivorous animals I have eaten (and/or seen available), so far the only ones I can think of that I have eaten are Shark and Swordfish.
Haven't had shark but swordfish is delicious. Tastes kinda like steak.