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I got violently ill eating fish once and have had a hard time eating it since. There is about a 50-50 chance I will be puking my guts out .. so I pretty much abstain. That said, I do like shark. Back when the tuna fleet used to be in San Diego, my Mom was the accountant at a boating company and would bring home sharks, swordfish, etc all the time.

Once, she came home with a huge shark, we were going to have people over the next day for a cookout. We wrapped the shark in saran wrap (used about 3 or 4 large rolls of the stuff) and left it in the pool overnight, then a guy came over the next day to turn it into steaks. I kept the jaw with teeth for several years.
Hmm, I haven't had tuna in ages...
Me either, but now I really want some.

Seafood is my favorite thing to eat. I've never had trouble with it like some do and I love the flavor. Sushi is pretty much the best thing on the planet as far as I'm concerned.
Tax free weekend this coming weekend .. making up a list of stuff to buy. Clothes under $100 and most school/office supplies under $100 qualify. Think I will mainly be buying paper, ink for the printer, and maybe some pants.

:applause: all tax free! :okok::yey:
We have a tornado watch for the next 3 and a half hours. PLEASE let me witness one off in the distance! The closest I've come to seeing one is a rotating wall cloud some years ago. I hate the disaster they cause, but at the same time, they are so amazing and beautiful to see.
As much as I'm fascinated by tornadoes, I don't think I'd want to live in an area that gets a lot of them. We think there was a smallish one across the valley from my place a few years ago (it was hidden by cloud and heavy rain) and the damage that did was bad enough. I videoed what looked like funnel clouds forming that afternoon but none of those ones touched down.

I also caught some footage of what looked like the anti-collision beacon of an aircraft flying low and fast through the storm. Very weird, especially when RAF jets don't usually come anywhere too close to the airport.
As much as I'm fascinated by tornadoes, I don't think I'd want to live in an area that gets a lot of them. We think there was a smallish one across the valley from my place a few years ago (it was hidden by cloud and heavy rain) and the damage that did was bad enough. I videoed what looked like funnel clouds forming that afternoon but none of those ones touched down.
There was a tornado in Birmingham a few years ago that apparently sent a roof tile through a tree.
We hardly get any tornadoes around here, thankfully. We'll have some every so often or we'll get 'warnings' but nothing ever happens. Our area is just not very habitable for tornadoes.
Well, the storms are all over and weren't too bad.

Also, we had one of the most amazing sunsets I've ever seen in my life!


There are more twisters in England each year than the US if I recall correctly(?), they are simply far smaller/less destructive and mostly out of the way. Not seen any myself, I can recall an earthquake though. Forked lightning is something I've rarely seen but looks amazing too.