Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

Woah, I thought you've been here a lot longer than me but it seems I joined one month earlier than you.
I think there was a whole bunch of new members around the time of TFF. Me and you and Night Prowler and a few others are the ones who stuck around.

Were you here for the gong show that was the advance downloads of TFF?
I think there was a whole bunch of new members around the time of TFF. Me and you and Night Prowler and a few others are the ones who stuck around.

Were you here for the gong show that was the advance downloads of TFF?

I don't recall that. I used to visit the forum on a limited basis, my nickname was "maidenhead1996", I think. Damn what a horrible nickname that was.
I remember that. There were like 10 pages of email addresses. Such a chaotic time.
I wonder how much more insane the place will get when album #16 is ready to be released.
I think I'll take shelter in this thread until the riff raff goes away.
That was so wild when TFF was coming out! Hopefully there will be more mods on the next time around to help maintain all the insanity.

Oh, I wouldn't worry about it. I've changed our policy on copyrights and I'll be locking and banning.