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I think I might go back to sleep for another half hour.... As much as I hate my Monday shift because I have to be there so till later, I like the fact that I don't have to go in so early and have some room for more sleep.
I'm usually up by 6:30. I go to bed between 9:30 and 10:30, depending on if I need to get my daughters somewhere or not.
Another sleepless night followed by waking up at 1 pm. Fortunately, I've got holidays.

Ive had a few bad nights like that recently, and haven't slept well in months. Can't sleep, restless, feeling like crap, and way moody (ask my daughters :)) I'm headed to the doc today to make sure I'm all good. I hate not sleeping.
I'm a poor sleeper. If I went to bed at about 10.30pm I'd end up awake for the next couple of hours getting more uncomfortable and irritable. It doesn't make much difference what time I get up, either.
This week I am listening to Iron Maiden's discography on shuffle on my laptop and Windows Media Player just gave me three different live versions of 'Run to the Hills' consecutively. :lol: It also threw 'The Fugitive' at me earlier.

5 days on the Ed-down!
If I have trouble sleeping, I take an allergy pill. A) it makes me drowsy B) most of the year, I need it for my allergies anyway.
I have not tried it, but Nyquil has that a version minus much of the medicine, but it still knock you out. Whenever I take the regular stuff when I am sick, I sleep like a baby.
The best thing about working in a lab is that even on workdays, you only need to get up at nine-ish. ;)