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What a crap night, I only have to do this on call stuff once every 2 months or so, but I got a bad draw this weekend as there were a lot of changes. I have been getting calls off and on from 130 AM to 445AM .. it is 5 now, hopefully that is it and I can get some sleep, Last time I only got 1 call all week, so I guess this is making up for it.
Traumatised along with the sea creatures, they did not live on but did she.

I think I messed up the metre there somewhere.
I'm sort of on a vacation, staying in my grandmother's which is closer to beach side and much quieter for a couple of weeks. Finally had the change to play basketball after four months without it. I have to get back to studying and stop all the comfort tomorrow though. :(
Could happen any given moment. I'm starting to think I'm not going to finish this assignement today.
Just got back from here:
That is nice, where is it?

Completed my first 3 German lessons today ... I will be able to forget the words "ich verstehe nicht" before you know it