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Don't know if you play Tier 10 tanks at all, but when you get a platoon that decided to bring in an MS-1... or theres been games where your team gets 3 tier 10, and theirs gets 8...

Thankfully it's not THAT common.

I'm at tier 8 with my top tank, but that's an AMX 13 90, so I end up in lots of tier 12 matchups. Seen that shit happen.
Will upload the crappy footage I have from tankfest tonight, my camera sucks for video (once recording you can't zoom/re-focus/anything really, and the microphone is abysmal) and the battery gave up for most the day, but I have some footage... mostly of tanks driving in circles :P

Missing the WW1, WW2, Evolution of the British MBT and random european vehicles demonstrations :(

I have way too many games played in WoT >.> Clan Wars restarts on monday though, free gold hurrah!
A woman was stopped at an airport for wearing these shoes

I've got about 13k games played at this stage, although I've been playing over 2 years so it's not THAT bad.. but it's gone up a lot lately. It's mostly a distraction, but I do really enjoy blowing up tanks with other tanks :D Platoon's/Companys/Clan Wars really helps keep it fun though, the whole teamwork thing.
That sounds great! Did you know that Assassin's Creed 2 is up for free download on Xbox Live? I just got it finished last night, I'm gonna try it this weekend.

I did not .. I play mostly sports games. But I work at the corporate office of a place that I should not name, but a lot of people stop there for games, so I keep up on all kinds of video game news.