Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

I haven't played it in forever. And I only did it a little.

Humble Bundle has 'gratuitous tank battles' and 'gratuitous space battles' on sale now...
Wonder how this happened .. a Russian sub

Thanks Obama.
Wonder how this happened .. a Russian sub


"Commander, there is a 1,7 ton walrus on our boat!"
"Did you take a photo?"
"Yes, posing with it!"
"You idiot! What if somebody posts this picture on the internet, and it finds its way to a heavy metal forum?"
Aye, the matchmaking can really throw out some crap can't it :(

Grinding the ARL 44 atm (Heading to the AMX 50 100 so I have an alternative tank for our clans ESL team) and god damn, I hate KV-1S's >.>

MM tossed me in a match with 2 platoons of tier iv scouts with tier II addons. They gave the other team a M6 with a loltraktor to make up for it. wtf, mm.
Don't know if you play Tier 10 tanks at all, but when you get a platoon that decided to bring in an MS-1... or theres been games where your team gets 3 tier 10, and theirs gets 8...

Thankfully it's not THAT common.