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Fuck. Fucking XCOM crashed.

That sucks!

As to HIMYM, I kinda got tired with the whole thing at the end of season 6. I'm still watching, but they just dragged it out far too long. I think some of the individual shows are funny still, but the overall arc just is dragging. I'm super over the entire Robin character and wish Barney would have ended up with Quinn.
I didn't like Quinn. If it wasn't Robin, I would've liked to see Barney end up with Norah.
Ew yeah, I didn't like Quinn either. I feel the same way about Norah. If Barney didn't end up with Robin, I would have liked to have seen him with her.
Quinn was just so manipulative. The dynamic between them just didn't seem to be there. I have comments about Quinn in season 8, but I'll shush since MC hasn't watched. :p

I like Robin, I think her and Barney made a great couple. Their breakup in season 4ish seemed forced.

I like Robin too but the her and Ted on and off again thing was got irritating to me. I definitely like her and Barney together.
MrKnickerbocker, your name doesn't refer to this, does it?:
And no, I don't like this show, but because of my brother Ben's severe autism, he loves it and watches it all the damn time.
And so the royal baby hysteria begins, complete with Twitter and FB flame wars. I'm torn between going offline altogether and getting a big supply of popcorn in.
Yeah, nothing like living in a republic and waking up to the news that a princess goes into labour.