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HIMYM is one of my favorite shows too. I've only gotten up to season 7 though. Haven't gotten a chance to see 8 and I won't watch the 9th and final season till I get caught up.
San Diego is the King of all cons but New York Con is the 2nd best and unlike San Diego NYC con doesn't sell out in one day it usually takes a month to sell out, so there's no rush to get tickets like there is for San Diego where you have to be in front the computer in the morning ready to get tickets before it sells out in 2 hours.
HIMYM is one of my favorite shows too. I've only gotten up to season 7 though. Haven't gotten a chance to see 8 and I won't watch the 9th and final season till I get caught up.
Season 8 starts kinda rough but once it gets going it's very awesome. Definitely check it out ASAP :D

I'd really like to go to San Diego Comic Con one day. It looks like a ton of fun.
I can't wait until Winter Soldier comes out next year. When Ed Brubaker was writing Winter Soldier I felt it was the best writing in all of the Marvel comics. Saw the panel for that and saw Falcon will be in the movie and that got me to geek out.
I love HIMYM, but after season 5 or 6, I started watching it like a drama. Still a great show, but I just don't find myself laughing as much as I used to.
Ted (and later Marshall) became too..I dunno, wimpy? for my liking. watch the first series and he's still got all the luvvy duvvy and the "destiny" etc stuff going on, but he's not the whole giddy yellow-legal-pad/fanny-pack dork that he is at the end. Marshall just was weird in season 8...
I like the whole cast. I think they make a strong ensemble. Radnor seems to be the odd one out, as a more quiet guy and less interested in acting. But then again, it fits his character.
I've done extra work on the show and met Neil a couple times. He's a great guy. The only other cast member I've met is Josh, and he is, as you say Mosh, pretty quiet. But he actually seems to be quite focused on the character and his acting, as was Cobie. All around, they couldn't be nicer people, which makes me like the show all the more.
I like the whole cast. I think they make a strong ensemble. Radnor seems to be the odd one out, as a more quiet guy and less interested in acting. But then again, it fits his character.

I like the whole cast as well, they certainly do make a strong ensemble. It's just that my feelings for Jason is superior to those I have for others (although I really like Neil Patrick Harris as well). His attitude and jokes all seem so natural, I like his personality. Radnor does seem like the odd one out but it's always good to have personalities like him in a friend group. I can't believe how similar he is to Ted Mosby. From all the interviews of him I've watched, he seems like a quite "geeky" and highly intellectual guy as well, like Ted.
Yea, Josh Radnor might as well be Ted IRL. Segal is a fine actor but he's actually not my favorite member of the cast. Not so much because of his acting (which is fantastic) but because his storylines never grabbed me like the others.